Compiled HTML help file to PDF

Convert CHM to PDF

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What is CHM?

Remember this kind of help file, back in the days?

example CHM file

Compiled HTML Help (CHM) is a format that is most commonly used by Microsoft's HTML-based help programs. The files may contain compressed HTML pages, images, Javascript and CSS files.

CHM files are commonly used in software documentation and help files. Here are some more reasons why CHM is used

It is important to note that CHM is an outdated file format. This is because of the shift to browser-based help articles and the preference for other formats for e-book.

Why Convert CHM to PDF

It turns out that if you need to open a .chm file, you need specialized software to read the .chm file such as CHM Viewer.

For this reason, you can convert your chm file to PDF for the following reasons:

How to Convert CHM to PDF

To convert .CHM to PDF using our online chm converter:

You can rely of Rare2PDF compiled html help file to pdf converter to do the conversion for you