Convert LIT file to PDF

Simple and fast way to convert Microsoft Reader eBook to PDF

LIT to PDF Converter

Upload your .lit file(s) to convert to PDF format.

Drop files here or click to upload

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About LIT (Microsoft Reader eBook) Files

The LIT format was created by Microsoft for its now-defunct Microsoft Reader application. Usually, Microsoft Reader was available for free on Windows PCs and Pocket PC PDAs. Although the LIT format and Microsoft Reader were both introduced in 2000, Microsoft discontinued the application in 2011.
Although LIT files and CHM files share a similar format, DRM protection can be added to LIT files to guard against copyright infringement.

How to Convert LIT to PDF

  1. Upload your LIT file(s) or by dropping them on the upload dropzone.
  2. Click the Convert button.
  3. Your download will automatically start once the conversion is completely.

How to open an LIT files

Because the Microsoft Reader designed to display LIT files has been discontinued and is no longer available, you must obtain third-party software in order to open a LIT file.

Calibre is one of the greatest cross-platform, free programs for viewing LIT files (and the majority of other eBook formats). It has many fantastic features, is free, and can open the majority of eBook file types available today. It is also cross-platform (Windows, macOS, and Linux).

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Yes. Your files are totally safe. We use end-to-end encryption and your files are deleted automatically after 1 hour.

You can use our LIT to PDF Converter at Rare2PDF. Simply upload your LIT file, and the tool will convert it to a PDF format instantly and securely