Fast way to convert your RIS to PDF
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RIS stands for Research Information Systems. It is a text-file format that is used for managing bibliographic citations across various reference management systems.
IRS files contain various metadata tags that represent citations such as Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley and many more.
The best RIS file opener is Notepad. Since RIS is a test-format, it can be opened by popular text editors such as Microsoft Notepad (Windows), Apple TextEdit (Mac), or any other text editor.
The RIS format defines various tags to describe citation details :
TAG | Description |
TY | Type of reference (e.g., JOUR for journal, BOOK for book). |
TI | Title of the article |
AU | List of Authors |
PY | Year of Publication |
JO | Journal Name |
VL | Volume Number |
IS | Issue Number |
SP | Start Page |
EP | End Page |
SN | ISSN for journals or ISBN for books |
Our tool is able to convert RIS to PDF. It supports the following citation types:
The described three RIS entry types are the most common in the academic circles. Our tool really does a great job at converting RIS to PDF format.
To convert your RIS files to PDF using our tool, follow these steps:
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