Convert TXT file to SRT

Simple and fast way to convert text files to Subtitles format(SRT)

TXT to SRT Converter

Upload your .txt file(s) to convert to SRT format.

Drop files here or click to upload

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About SRT Files

A SubRip Subtitle (SRT) file is one of the most often used subtitle file types for video content. These plain text files contain the start and end timecodes as well as the subtitle text in sequential order. However, there is no audio or video content in an SRT file. The small file sizes are a result of this.

How to Convert TXT to SRT for Subtitles

  1. Upload your TXT file(s) or by dropping them on the upload dropzone.
  2. Click the Convert button.
  3. Your download will automatically start once the conversion is completely.

Why Use SRT Files

Here are the major reasons why people use SRT files

How to open an SRT file

SRT files may normally be opened using media player programs such as VLC, Windows Media Player, KMPlayer, and so on.

You can queue up a downloaded SRT to play through the Subtitle > Add Subtitle File menu. Meanwhile, many social media sites such as YouTube have a toggle to enable closed captioning.

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Upload your .txt file using Rare2PDF TXT to SRT Converter, and we'll transform it into a nicely-formatted SRT format.

A TXT file contains plain text without any formatting, while an SRT file includes structured timestamps and text, making it suitable for subtitles in videos.